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alexander alekhine

he had developed offensive tactics that no one had thought of at the time. for example, he encouraged his opponent to pile his pieces in the center of the board, and the opponent, who thinks that this is a very natural superiority, would easily fall into this trap. whereas the alekhine would attack this cluster, which restricts each other's movements, while the opponent was strongest in the center, and suddenly there was no center supremacy, the opponent who lost control of the complicated game would lose the game.


alexander alekhine

I thought the man was born to play chess. Alekhine is the best at using the pieces on the board, and it's almost like watching a dance. He plays very aggressively, like Necmeddinov. He's the most entertaining chess player to watch. Unfortunately, he didn't have good morals, probably because he was scared of losing his title.


alexander alekhine

Alexander Alekhine was an incredibly talented chess player. He created a strategy called the Alekhine Defense which starts with the moves e4 and af6. He was the World Chess Champion from 1927 to 1935 and then again from 1936 to 1946. He won the title by beating the previous champion, Casablanca, in 1927 and held it for almost 20 years, except for one year in 1935 when he lost it to Max Euwe.


alexander alekhine

Paul Keres Alekhinele was the only world chess champion to die while holding the title. He was a man that many people did not like because he was known for being sneaky and not playing fair. He refused to have a rematch with Capablanca. Unfortunately, the second world war broke out and Alekhine died before he could defend his title.


alexander alekhine

This article is about the life and death of a famous chess player. It talks about his career, his accomplishments, and how he passed away. It also includes some personal stories about him from people who knew him.


alexander alekhine

This chess player was very skilled at coming up with clever strategies. In 1927, he became the world champion by beating the very talented player, JosÚ Raúl Capablanca.


alexander alekhine

He was a very bad player who would blow cigarette smoke in his opponents' faces, stand up and sit down during the game, and do other things to try to disrupt their concentration. After this player, rules were put in place to make sure people didn't smoke in the tournament hall and had to stay seated while playing.


alexander alekhine

There is a champion whose name is often mispronounced. Russians say this name as "alyohin", which is slightly like the sound of the letter "kh" but with a bit of extra emphasis on the letter "h".


alexander alekhine

He was in a wheelchair because he had broken his leg, but he ended up beating his opponents so badly that they had to be carried away on a stretcher.


alexander alekhine

He was an amazing chess player who amazed and inspired other great chess players. He had some amazing matches with Bobby Fischer and José Raúl Capablanca during his time.


alexander alekhine

Magnus Carlsen's favorite chess player is the person he admires the most when it comes to playing chess.


alexander alekhine

very large


alexander alekhine

He got his highest degree in law from Sorbonne University. He also set a record by playing chess with 28 people at the same time without looking at the board. His love for cats made his own cat as famous as him. In 2006, stamps with pictures of Alekhine and his cat were made to remember him.


alexander alekhine

He is the person who invented the famous strategy of using four pawns to attack in a game.


alexander alekhine

I think he is the best chess player that has ever existed.


alexander alekhine

Alekhine was the most aggressive chess player of all time. He was always attacking and never backing down. He wanted to make his opponent play the game his way. He was known for being rude during matches, like blowing smoke in his opponent's face and whistling while walking around the table. Because of him, people now have rules of courtesy when playing chess.


alexander alekhine

One day, while taking a test in the classroom, Alekhine suddenly shouted "I found it!" When his teacher asked what he had found, he said he had figured out a way for black to win a game of chess by sacrificing a piece on the square f3.


alexander alekhine

In 1937, it is said that he won a game while he was drunk with a ringleader. Then, in a rematch, he was able to take back the title from Euwe.


alexander alekhine

Alekhin was a master of chess who changed the way people thought about the game. He was determined to win every game and was known for his impressive moves and sacrificing pieces. He was one of two geniuses of the attacking game, the other being Tal.

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